- Subject
1.1. The current Privacy Policy of the webpage https://www.thebakerscompany.eu/ (briefly referred below as "web page", "site", "website") has the purpose to inform the visitors of the site (briefly referred below as "user/s") about the type of personal data that “The Bakers” AD collects and processes in its capacity of a personal data administrator, acting as a "operator of the website", the purposes for their collection, the term for their storage, the mechanisms for ensuring their protection, as well as the rights of the users regarding their personal data provided through the usage of the website's functionalities.
1.2. The Privacy Policy has been developed in full compliance with The internal rules of “The Bakers” AD about the measures for protection of personal data, Regulation (EC) 2016/679 ("GDPR"), the European and the Bulgarian Personal Data Protection Legislation.
1.3. (1) This Privacy Policy applies only regarding to the website of “The Bakers” AD described in 1.1.
(2) The Privacy Policy shall not be applicable regarding the business accounts of “The Bakers” in social networks ("LinkedIn", "Facebook", "Instagram", etc.), access to which is provided through functional links, available in all sections of the website.
(3) The privacy policy shall not be applicable regarding the websites of the partners of “The Bakers”, which could be accessed through the "Check out our partners" link in the "Contacts" section of the website.
1.4. Should you disagree with any of the terms and conditions in this Privacy Policy, we suggest not to provide your personal data in any way while your stay and surfing in the website.
1.5. The usage of the website shall be accepted as unconditional consent with this Privacy Policy.
- Type of the personal data we collect and process
2.1. (1) “The Bakers” AD may collect personal data through the website only through a functional form for generating electronic inquiries available in the "Contacts" section of the website.
(2) The personal data collected in the electronic inquiry form described in point (1) are limited only to "your name" and "e-mail".
(3) The provision of the data under point (2) is completely freewill and voluntary.
2.2 “The Bakers” AD does not require from the users of the website any personal data different from the described in point 2.1; if there is a provision of such “The Bakers” AD shall not be held responsible for their storage and / or deletion.
2.3. The user of the website is not entitled to provide personal data regarding third parties without their knowledge and explicit consent.
- Purposes of using your personal information
3.1. (1) We use the personal data provided by you to process your inquiry, sent via the functional form for generation of electronic inquiries described in point 2.1.
(2) "Your name" is required to make sure that the answer to the electronic inquiry is addressed personally to you.
(3) "E-mail" address is required to be able to contact you and respond to your inquiry.
3.2. The personal data, provided by you could be used not only for processing your inquiry, but also for improving “The Bakers” website without harming in that way the privacy and / or confidentiality of your personal data.
- Term for storage of the personal data provided by you
4.1. “The Bakers” AD storages your personal data during the period of active correspondence and in a term of one year after its completion.
4.2. “The Bakers” AD shall not use in any form and way the personal data you provide after the expiration of the terms for storage described in point 4.1., except if an explicit legal provision provides something different.
4.3. “The Bakers” AD obliges to delete all personal data provided immediately after the expiration of the terms for storage described in point 4.1., except if an explicit legal provision provides something different.
5 Mechanisms for protection of your personal data
5.1. The personal data provided by you shall be stored by “The Bakers” AD on servers and computer systems, protected by passwords.
5.2. “The Bakers” AD may use the personal data provided by you only for the purposes described in point 3 of this Privacy Policy.
5.3. Your personal data is stored for a certain period of time described in point 4 of this Privacy Policy, and then – shall be deleted.
5.4. (1) The access to the personal data provided by you is limited and may only be permitted by certain persons explicitly authorized by contract or in other way from “The Bakers” – employees “The Bakers” AD of and / or third parties providing the functioning and / or maintenance of the website.
(2) The access to your personal data by the persons described in point (1) shall only take place after preliminary instruction on the protection of their confidentiality when the latter are employees of “The Bakers”; in a case of third parties, which ensure the functioning and / or maintenance of a website - the access provision shall only take place after the entry into force of the contract and in full compliance with the provisions of data protection, provided in it.
5.5. (1) “The Bakers” AD shall not provide your personal data to third parties without your explicit consent, except in the cases described below in point (2).
(2) Disclosure of your personal data to third parties could be made without your explicit consent in the following cases: when it is necessary in order to comply with the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union; in response to a duly issued and enacted judicial act; in case of a motivated legal request by the public authorities, as well as in other hypothesis explicitly provided by the law.
- Right you have in relation with your personal data
6.1. (1) As a user of the website, you have certain rights regarding the personal data provided by you.
(2) At any time you can request from “The Bakers” AD to provide you information about your personal data that is stored.
(3) At any time you can request your personal data to be changed /amended/ updated.
(4) At any time you can request your personal data to be deleted.
(5) At any time you can withdraw your consent to your personal data to be processed for all or some of the purposes provided in point 3 of this privacy policy.
6.2. All rights described in point 6.1 are exercised from the users of the internet page freely.
6.3. (1) In case of exercising of any of the rights described in point 6.1. by a user of the website, “The Bakers” AD has no right to refuse to perform the respective counter-actions, unless there is an objective obstacle (force majeure) and / or a legal prohibition for performing the latter.
(2) “The Bakers” AD shall not impose additional requirements and / or conditions that are not explicitly mentioned in this Privacy Policy for exercising of the rights described in point 6.1.
- Usage of “cookies” and Google Analytics
7.1. (1) The Bakers website uses “cookies”.
(2) Cookies are small text data files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit the website and provide to “The Bakers” AD only technical information about the certain user. Such data may be related to: the individual sections of the website you have reviewed; the time during which you have reviewed a particular section of the website; the IP address provided by your ISP through which you have accessed the website; the date and time of your visit of the website; the look and characteristics of your Internet browser; the type of device from which you have visited the website; the language on the website, preferred by you etc.
(3) “Cookies” are completely safe and can not negatively affect the performance of your computer or mobile device.
(4) More information about the “cookies” can be found at the following address: http://www.allaboutcookies.org/.
7.2. (1) The information that “The Bakers” AD receives through the “cookies” is completely anonymous and can not in any way be used to identify a certain user of the website.
(2) The information provided through the “cookies” helps “The Bakers” AD to determine the extent to which the website meets your needs; whether you find the information you need quickly and easily; which sections of the website are the most interesting for you etc., as in that way an opportunity for making the website more convenient, useful and interesting for you - the users, is created.
7.3. (1) Activating “cookies” is not a compulsory requirement for using the website of “The Bakers”.
(2) Even if you have enabled the “cookies”, you can always disable / deactivate them by using the settings of your internet browser. The settings vary depending on the browser type you are using - "Mozilla Firefox", "Internet Explorer", "Google Chrome", "Opera", etc. and can be found on the official website of the relevant Internet browser.
(3) Deactivating the “cookies” may reflects negatively on your stay in the website, disabling or limiting some of its functionalities.
7.4. (1) The Bakers website uses “Google Analytics”
(2) Through Google Analytics, Google analyzes the usage of “The Bakers” website. Google Analytics uses the so-called cookies - text files saved on your computer which allow analysis of your usage of the website. Information gathered through the cookies for your usage of this website is usually stored and transmitted to a Google server in the U.S. Relevant results are provided to The Bakers in an anonymous form as the website has activated the IP anonymization feature. This means that in the EU member countries or other countries that are party to the EEA Agreement, your IP address collected by the Google Analytics cookies will be hidden by Google prior to its transmission to the US. Only in exceptional cases the full IP address will be transferred to a Google server in the United States and will be hidden there.
(3) Google is certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield, ensuring that an adequate level of data protection is maintained to process it by Google in the US.
(4) At any time you can withdraw your consent about the analysis of your usage of “The Bakers” website through Google Analytics. This is possible by downloading and installing a special “Opt-out Browser Add-on“ provided by Google at the following address: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.
(5) Additional information about Google analytics can be found in the Google Analytics Terms of Service, the Google Analytics Privacy Policy, and the Google Privacy Policy.
- Social networks and social plug-ins.
8.1. (1) Our pages in the social networks are aimed at promoting and advertising the products produced by “The Bakers”, providing users with information about games, competitions, lotteries and other promotions currently taking place, as well as communicating with us. In case of sending a request through one of these social networks, we forward it to our competent department, and the data received from users is used only to respond to a request and are is forwarded to third parties.
(2) In order to get in touch with us through social networks, each user has to be preliminary registered. When needed, for the purpose of registering and maintaining individual accounts, the companies, staying behind each social network process and store personal data. “The Bakers” has no influence on the type, scope, and processing of this data.
8.2. Use of Functional Link to Social Networks Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin
Our website offers a functional direct link to Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin social networking servers. Direct access to Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin servers takes place regardless of whether or not the user has their registration on the appropriate social network, and user information (including IP address) is transmitted directly to and stored by Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin. If the user has an account on Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin, the social network can link to “The Bakers” website directly with the user profile on Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin. “The Bakers” does not get information about the content of the links transmitted through the functional references neither information on their subsequent usage by Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin. Information for the purpose and scope of such data collection, post-processing, the usage of this data by Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin data as well as user rights and privacy settings can be found in the data protection guidelines of Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin.
Each user who does not want Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin to link the data collected through “The Bakers” website directly with his Facebook profile should first come out of his Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin profile before visiting our website or completely to prevent loading Facebook / Instgram / Linkedin plugins and Add-ons for their browser.
- Others
9.1. The current Privacy Policy enters into force and is applicable for all users of the internet page, considered from 05.03.2019
9.2. (1) “The Bakers” AD reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time.
(2) “The Bakers” AD does not have any obligations for prior notification of the users of the website in connection with forthcoming amendment of the Privacy Policy.
9.3. The legislation of Republic of Bulgaria is applicable regarding the provisions of the current Privacy Policy.
9.4. All legal disputes arising in connection with the interpretation and / or application of this privacy policy shall be solved by the competent Bulgarian court.
9.5. The invalidity of any of the provisions of the current Privacy Policy does not lead to invalidity of the other provisions.
9.6. (1) This privacy policy is drawn up and available in Bulgarian and English language.
(2) In case of discrepancies between the Bulgarian and the English text, the Bulgarian one shall prevail.
- Contacts for questions about your personal information
10.1. (1) In case of any questions arison regarding your personal data, please contact “The Bakers” AD.
(2) The contact with “The Bakers” can be accomplished by using either the functional form for generation of electronic inquiries available in the “Contacts” section of the website or through an
e-mails: sales@thebakerscompany.eu,purchasing@thebakerscompany.eu, baker@thebakerscompany.eu,office@thebakerscompany.eu, careers@thebakerscompany.eu or telephone: +359 54 802 665.
10.2. In case of questions regarding the protection of your personal data, you may also contact the Data Protection Supervisor of Republic of Bulgaria - the Commission for Personal Data Protection:
- address: Sofia, 2 "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov "blvd.;
- tel .: 02/915 35 18;
- website: www.cpdp.bg.